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Radiator Wiring

Round One
The package came complete with a 185 degree temperature switch, fuses fittings, and two very nice relays.
I wired the power output of each relay to each fan. The relay power source was taken from a fuse panel I mounted near the battery. 30 amp fuses protect each fan. I did not use the fuses that came with the kit.

The trigger switch positive was wired to circuit that is on when the ignition is. The ground was run to the temperature sensor provided in the kit. The temperature switch was installed in place of the one in the right head of the engine.

Everything connected it was time for a quick test run. Everything worked great so off for longer trial.

Unfortunately there were problems. The fans would come on and stay on all the time. The 195 degree thermostat on the 82 would keep the temperature high enough that the 185 degree fan switch would always be on after the engine warmed up. Not only was this not needed for cooling it was noisy and was pulling a lot of amps. A different approach was in order

Round Two

To cut the noise the fans were wired to run in series (half speed) during low temperature and then parallel (full speed) when the high temperature threshold is reached.

You can hear the noise difference on this wmv file: Fan Noise

The original 240 degree switch was put back in the right head replacing the 185 degree from the radiator package.
Adjustable temperature switch controller
A new aluminum swivel water neck was installed. A hole was cut and threaded in the water neck to mount the temperature probe.

To set the adjustable switch start by turning it all the way down. Get the engine to the temperature you desire the fans to start. In this case 200 degrees. Turn the knob just until the fans come on. That's all there is to it.
Temperature switch probe in water neck

Wiring Schematic

Relay Installation

After some consideration I decided to put the relays on the right inside wall of the engine compartment. I joined the them in a cluster and mounted them so they are underneath the fender overhang.

This is a good location as the relay wires easily reach both the fans and the fuse box near the battery. Plus the overhang protects the relays from water splash.
Relay mounting